April 10, 2013

Last weekend Miss. State ASCE Student Chapter finished 1st overall at the ASCE Deep South Regional Conference.  On the way to achieving this recognition, the conference attendees won 1st in the Concrete Canoe competition which means NOW our team will be representing ASCE’s Deep South Regional Conference at the National Concrete Canoe Competition in Urbana, Illinois, in June.

In addition to winning Concrete Canoe, the team finished:

1st in the Mead Paper
1st in the Co-ed Races for Concrete Canoe

2nd in the Mystery Event (which was a Fundamentals of Engineering exam quiz bowl)
3rd in Steel Bridge (but First in Bridge Stiffness)


Below is a link to a video posted of the Steel Bridge being built: DeepSouthCompetition SteelBridgeASCE1stPlaceTrophy ASCETrophies