Collaborating with Companies - Richard A. Rula School of Civil & Environmental Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering

MSU, ERDC partnerships for innovative research continue to grow

October 30, 2023

ERDC Days 2023 Schedule – Join us!

October 24, 2023

ERDC Days return at MSU for networking, career opportunities and presentations

October 18, 2023

MSU, ERDC celebrate successful partnerships promoting cutting-edge, collaborative research

April 14, 2022

Join us for ERDC Day at MSU! MSU hosts ERDC Thursday for student interaction, public panel presentation

April 8, 2022

Chevron Info Session – August 30th

August 28, 2017

MSU CEE student group wins grant to expand Zambian water project

An international grant soon will help a Mississippi State student team expand its fresh-water sustainability project in a rural African community. The university’s Engineers Without Borders chapter recently edged a Harvard University team and an Austin, Texas-area professional chapter to earn an $8,000 grant in the Penetron International EWB-USA Grant Award Contest. Based in New York, Penetron…

November 12, 2015

Bulldogs thrive in the bayou

  Cowbells might soon replace Mardi Gras beads as the must-have accessory in New Orleans, La., as civil engineers from the Bagley College of Engineering work to leave their mark on the city’s infrastructure. Despite being firmly in “Tiger” territory, the New Orleans office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has hired 12 Bulldog…

March 20, 2010