July 27, 2012
Three CEE undergraduate students (Georgene Elizabeth Grant, Rae Ann Otts and Rachel Jacobs) presented their research posters on “Ultrasonic Assisted Waste Cooking Oil Conversion Into Biodiesel” and “Evaluation of Design Alternatives for Innovative Commercial Catfish Ponds” at the Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium 2012 hosted by the Shackouls Honors College in collaboration with NSF-funded undergraduate research programs. Georgene Elizabeth Grant placed 1st in Oral Presentation. The Symposium was held in Griffis Hall (3rd floor lobby, 4th floor forum room) and is an opportunity to showcase faculty-guided student research efforts from diverse departments, colleges and research centers across campus. Many undergraduates participate in faculty-guided research throughout the year. MSU is fortunate to have many faculty that involve undergraduates in research and several federally funded research experiences for undergraduates programs. ALL undergraduates who are involved in faculty-guided research this academic year were invited and encouraged to participate in this symposium through poster presentation, short talk, or performance.