Construction Management and Engineering research focuses on mitigating the management challenges associated with the sustainability of the built environment including resource dynamics for civil infrastructure development, societal vulnerability to natural and man-made hazards, building information modeling and management, and mitigating conflicts, claims, and disputes in the construction industry.
Some of the ongoing projects include studying how: social network analysis can be utilized to study transportation systems, game theory can be used to improve construction bidding strategies, system dynamics can help attain high performance project outcomes, the different sustainability rating systems can enable infrastructure development, national contractors can be better enabled to work in an evolving global world, financial derivatives can be used to improve conditions of construction workers, social media networks can be utilized in emergency management, and green sustainability initiatives can support smart grid infrastructures.
The construction materials engineering program offers students opportunities to learn and conduct research in many diverse construction materials areas, including hot mix asphalt, Portland cement concrete, soils, metals, plastics, and composites. Students are not only taught fundamental engineering theory involved with these materials, but also develop a practical understanding of their use for engineering applications.